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our classes

at groundswell, we believe that yoga is yoga. until it isn't. 


to commit to the practice of traditional yoga, we've kept the names of our classes as simple as possible. the main difference in styles of classes comes in the sequencing and presentation: the same poses may show up in every class, just differently. some classes are set to music; others are not. some classes involve multiple transitions through chaturanga; others skip the chaturanga entirely. some classes hold poses for four breaths; some hold poses for 40 breaths. 


the main hallmark of our classes is that sequences are developed based on your specific needs in the moment. we work to create a practice that honors your body as it is today. 

Yoga Pose Looking Up

hatha yoga

the term "hatha" means "sun and moon," and refers to the use of force to attain union. in hatha yoga classes, we hold traditional poses for roughly a minute or more, allowing the intensity of the pose to bring us into a meditative state. these classes are silent to allow us to bring the breath more fully into the practice. hatha classes are appropriate for all levels, even beginners, but are not considered beginner classes. 

vinyasa yoga

vinyasa yoga classes are known for their energetic natures. while the poses are all traditional yoga, quick transitions through chaturanga and sequences that are guided by music allow the fluctuations of the mind to quiet and focus fully on the moment. vinyasa yoga classes are more appropriate for experienced yogis. 

Yoga Class
Yoga Instructor

ashtanga yoga

ashtanga yoga is a set sequence of traditional poses built by sri pattabhi jois. in our ashtanga class, a certified instructor leads you through the traditional primary series holding each pose for five breaths before transitioning. this class is not set to music to fully center the breath. while ashtanga is appropriate for new students, this is not a beginner's class. 

restorative yoga

restorative yoga is used as a method of stress release. considering the fact that almost 90% of modern illness is linked to human stress, restorative yoga is attuned to working with the parasympathetic nervous system to quiet and calm the body safely. students may practice only 6-8 poses in a 75-minute class, and use a significant number of props to help establish and deepen the experience. this class is appropriate for all levels. 

Yoga Instructor

warrior flow

our warrior flow classes combine the stretching of yoga with the strength-building of weight lifting. following a full-bodied warmup of yoga sequencing, we'll use weights (no more than 15 pounds) to build muscle and core strength, focusing on primary and accessory muscles to create a stronger, more balanced body. 

Yoga Instructor

flow and go

beginning your day with an energetic 45-minute yoga class allows you to combat stress, body pain, and fatigue before it even has a chance. expect a full-body practice including sun salutations, standing and seated poses, restorative poses, and inversions, all set to a lively playlist. 

Yoga Class
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